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Workers denounce discrimination suffered at South Valley Care Center
ALBUQUERQUE, NM– At a press conference on Wednesday, former South Valley Care Center employees, María A Perez & María Nevarez, with the support of El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos (El CENTRO), a local immigrants’ rights and workers’ justice organization, publicly denounced the discrimination they suffered at the nursing home. The workers committee created by María A. Perez and María E. Nevarez, known as “Las Marías”, submitted claims with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the Equal Employment and Opportunity Commission (EEOC) alleging continuous discrimination.

May Day, Lifting Up Essential Workers
Statewide Events Honor Essential Worker
Contributions and Celebrate Policy Gains
Albuquerque ⎻⎻ On Sunday, May 1, "International Workers' Day", El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos and Somos un Pueblo Unido, New Mexico based immigrants’ rights and workers’ justice organizations, held a series of six actions throughout the state to highlight the contributions of New Mexico's low-wage workers and to celebrate their recent policy victories -- including paid sick days, hundreds of millions of dollars in tax refunds and millions in economic relief.

Wage theft lawsuit concludes in win for New Mexico workers
Judge approves final class action settlement agreement in lawsuit brought by low-wage workers against the Department of Workforce Solutions for failing to enforce New Mexico’s wage payment laws.
SANTA FE – Today, after hearing public testimony, First Judicial District Court Judge David K. Thomson approved a class action settlement agreement between workers and workers’ rights organizations and the Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS) that ensures state government will carry out its duty to enforce New Mexico’s strong anti-wage theft laws and hold employers accountable when they violate these laws.

Hacienda Del Río Workers Demand Their Owed Wages
Statewide Events Honor Essential Worker
Contributions and Celebrate Policy Gains
Albuquerque ⎻⎻ On Sunday, May 1, "International Workers' Day", El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos and Somos un Pueblo Unido, New Mexico based immigrants’ rights and workers’ justice organizations, held a series of six actions throughout the state to highlight the contributions of New Mexico's low-wage workers and to celebrate their recent policy victories -- including paid sick days, hundreds of millions of dollars in tax refunds and millions in economic relief.

Settlement in lawsuit against DWS ensures enforcement of New Mexico wage payment laws
SANTA FE , NM – Today, workers and workers’ rights organizations announced a settlement agreement with the Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS) that ensures state government will carry out its duty to enforce New Mexico’s strong anti-wage theft laws and hold employers accountable when they violate these laws. The workers and DWS filed a joint motion Tuesday evening in the First Judicial District Court asking Judge Thomson to approve the class action settlement agreement.

"Workers and Community Groups File Lawsuit AgainstDepartent of Workforce Solutions for Failing to Enforce State Wage & Hours Laws"
"SANTA FE < Today, New Mexicans whose legal rights were violated by the state
Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS) announced the fili g of a lawsuit to remedy the DWS's failure to enforce our state's wage payment laws."