Our Team
Carmen Flores
Office Administrative Assistant
Originally from Guadalajara, Mexico, Carmen came to the U.S. in 2002. As the mother of Jesus, Diego, and Danna and the oldest of six siblings, Carmen fought for better opportunities, earning certifications in 2019 as a Home Health Aide and Community Health Worker. During the pandemic, she joined El CENTRO, advancing economic justice initiatives and inclusion in recovery. She also facilitated We Make History, a 17-module justice-focused leadership training for domestic workers. In 2022, Carmen returned to El CENTRO, contributing to the administration and honoring her father's legacy, continuing her community work.
Dalia Hernandez
Office Administrator
Orgullosa madre de 2 niñas, Kimberlyn y Jocelyn. Comes from a very hardworking, close-knit immigrant family. She worked for years at her family-owned restaurant, Taquería México. She received her GED from HEP at the University of New Mexico, studied English at CNM, and received her community health worker certification. She volunteered at health clinics for over a year because she likes to help her community. She was also a “promotora” at Enlace Comunitario. In 2006, she became a member of El CENTRO when she proudly took the lead in organizing a thousands-strong rally and the largest march in Albuquerque’s history, fighting for immigrants’ rights & immigration reform. She is proud to be a part of the fight for social justice.
Diana Bustillos
Civic Engagement Field Organizer
Diana Bustillos, originally from Chihuahua, Mexico, lived her childhood valuing respect and love for the elderly in her small town. At age 18, she immigrated to the United States in search of a better life for her future child as a single mother. She struggled to obtain her GED while she started her own food business to provide time for her son. Her passion for caring for the most vulnerable led her to obtain certifications in home health care (HHA) and certified nursing assistant (CNA) to care for her parents properly. In 2017, she discovered El CENTRO, where she became involved in workshops and became a volunteer, educating voters about the importance of voting. Now, as a member of the El CENTRO team, Diana works to empower her community and ensure equal opportunities for all.
Fabiola Landeros
Community Organizer, Immigration
Fabiola Landeros is a proud mother of three children, Santiago, Sebastian, and Triana. She arrived in this country over 10 years ago seeking a better life, and is the eldest of three children. She was born in Torreon, Coahuila, and raised in Ciudad Juarez. She started as a member of El CENTRO in 2013 when her brother was placed in deportation proceedings. She never realized that organizations like El CENTRO existed, “When my brother was deported, I felt like I had lost my family, but when I arrived at El CENTRO, I gained a community.” Since that time, she decided to dedicate herself to the fight for immigrants’ rights and social justice.
Iliana Lopez
Data Organizer
Iliana López, proud Sinaloan and resident of Albuquerque, NM for over 20 years. She is a person dedicated to her work and it gives her great satisfaction to be part of EL CENTRO, where we welcome our community, making them feel at home. She began her journey at El CENTRO in August 2010 as a volunteer and administrative support. In May 2024, she started working in the data processing area. She really enjoys her work and is happy to contribute to this organization, as her passion is helping people improve their lives. She is very grateful for the opportunity to be part of this team and she believes that, together, we can carry out projects to benefit our community, as long as we are willing to do it with our hearts.
Olga Santana
Community Organizer, Workers’ Rights
Olga Santana, originally from San Luis Potosí, Mexico, came to the United States in 2015 with her four daughters to escape violence and seek better opportunities. With a Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education and a Master's Degree in Educational Administration in her country, Olga is always looking to learn. She has completed several courses here, including HHA, Nursing Assistant, Nutrition, Computers, and English. Olga enjoys doing volunteer work in schools, organizations, churches, and the community. In 2015, she became involved with El CENTRO, participating in workshops, meetings, visits with politicians, marches, and vigils, which allowed her to learn about her rights in the United States. In 2020, she helped people participate in the CENSUS. In 2021 and 2022, she mobilized voters during the Elections. In 2023, she joined the El CENTRO team to continue advocating for the rights of the immigrant community.
Rachel LaZar
Executive Director
Rachel is a native-born Burqueña. In 2000 she co-founded Enlace Comunitario, a domestic violence agency serving Spanish speaking survivors which aimed to bridge the gap between direct services and policy advocacy. Out of Enlace, Rachel, mano a mano with immigrant leaders, launched El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos in order to address systemic barriers and grow the power of low-wage immigrant workers. El CENTRO's members have been at the forefront of winning bold immigration, workers' justice, and inclusive economy campaigns in New Mexico. Most recently, Rachel helped to found El CENTRO Poder y Acción in order to grow power in the ballot box.
Rosalinda Dorado
Civic Engagement Program Director
Rosalinda Dorado-Mendoza, a Civic Engagement Organizer with El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos and El CENTRO Poder y Acción, hails from Chihuahua, Mexico, immigrating to Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the age of three. She is the first in her family to attend college at the University of New Mexico and has dedicated her life to economic, social, civic, and civil justice. Her journey with El CENTRO began in 2010 when her brother faced deportation after a routine traffic stop. This personal ordeal ignited her passion for community organizing and advocacy. Rosalinda's career in the nonprofit sector includes grassroots organizing, policy advocacy, leadership development, voter engagement, and strategic litigation. She believes her path was shaped by a higher purpose and remains committed to making a positive impact through her work in community-led projects and campaigns.
Rubí Rodríguez
Communications Organizer
Rubí Rodríguez, originally from Aguascalientes, México, came to the United States in 2017 with her 2 children to seek better opportunities. With a Bachelor's Degree in Laws (Attorney) by “Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes” México, and Radio and TV Broadcast Announcer Certificate since 2001 by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP), she worked as a News Anchor and she has more than twenty years of experience in differents Radio Stations in México and EE.UU. Worked as a Lawyer in the Aguascalientes State Government México and Legal Advisor and community worker in City Hall of Aguascalientes México for ten years. She started from scratch in this country, no one opened the doors for her despite her desire to help the community by informing and guiding, but now she is very grateful to EL CENTRO for trusting her and giving her the opportunity to help the community.