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Derechos Laborales
Workers are the cornerstone of New Mexico’s economy. All workers deserve the opportunity to earn dignified wages, have basic workers’ protections, and have a healthy and safe workplace.¡ Somos esenciales! Did you know that immigrant workers represent over 12% of New Mexico workforce and that immigrant workers play a vital role in key industries in New Mexico such as construction, restaurant and hospitality, oil and gas, and home health care aides! Unfortunately, although we are essential workers, low-wage immigrant workers are particularly vulnerable to workplace exploitation, discrimination, and dangerous working conditions and are excluded from safety net benefits and unemployment.
We are proud that low-wage immigrant workers have been at the forefront of growing power as a worker-led movement, combating exploitation such as wage theft, and passing policies, alongside our partners, such as paid sick leave, raising the minimum wage, and protections for domestic workers. But, we have to build upon these wins and do better! In 2020 28% of Hispanics across the state earned less than $20,000 and in 2021 in the midst of the pandemic, 60% had $1,000 or less in savings for financial emergencies and 35% have less than $100! Join our immigrant-worker led movement!
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