Issue Areas
Inclusive Economy
Immigrant tax-payers in New Mexico pay over $1.2B in state and federal taxes, yet historically, as large corporations got richer, a high percentage of our familias have been excluded from benefiting from the tax code. El CENTRO’s membership, alongside partner organizations, including our Economic Relief Working Group (ERWG), have organized to reverse and dismantle these xenophobic and racist exclusions. We are proud that in New Mexico, since 2020, all tax rebates and credits have included mixed-status families and undocumented workers and that these historic changes took place with immigrant workers at the forefront! In New Mexico, we have:
Expanded the Working Families Tax Credit, including previously excluded immigrant ITIN & young filers ($49 million more/year)
Expanded the Low-income Comprehensive Tax Credit ($51 million more/year)
Tax rebates for low- & middle-income New Mexicans, including ITIN filers, to offset inflation and gas prices ($1.1billion in one-time relief)
Passage and expansion of the Child Tax Credit- resulting in $180 million/every year and benefiting 480,000 children and their families.
In addition, our ERWG made up of immigrant-based organizations from access the state, garnered support for the distribution of over $37.5 million dollars in government-administered relief for excluded workers during the pandemic (this included El CENTRO local campaigns, resulting in $9.9m in economic relief in Bernalillo County and ABQ) and we launched the first statewide Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) solely focused mixed-status families! Join our movement for a fair, equitable, and inclusive economy!