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Albuquerque Pro-Immigrant Groups Continue DemandingCongress for Clean Dream Act by December
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - The following are statements from leaders of the Listo Nuevo México network after it was reported yesterday Trump rejected attaching a DACA fix to the year end spending bill during a meeting with Republican Senators :
!["Trump Announces the [Termination] of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program"](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65480a30e0be134350062ad6/539e3a2e-a30f-4ea5-8759-e442843e8a81/PRESS+RELEASE.png)
"Trump Announces the [Termination] of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program"
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Today, Trump announced the [termination] of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) putting over 800 thousand immigrant youth in immediate risk of deportation. In NM alone, close to 7 thousand people find themselves without the temporary protection from deportation.

"Albuquerque Immigrants' Rights Organization Denounces Trump's Attempt to BullyABQ into Targeting and Persecuting Immigrant Community"
"ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Today, El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos, an Albuquerque-based immigrants’ rights and workers’ justice organization with over 4,000 members, denounced U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions' attempt to coerce the City of Albuquerque into enforcing Trump’s federal deportation programs by threatening to withhold federal crime fighting dollars. Session's threat to deny Public Safety Partnership monies was delivered in a letter to Albuquerque’s Police Department’s Chief Eden today."

"Coalition of Attorneys General Tell Trump to Protect, Maintain DACA"
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Today, immigrants’ rights organizations in New Mexico applaud the effort of 20 attorneys general –including NM Attorney General Hector Balderas– to protect the DACA program amid direct threats to end the proven successful relief. Today’s announcement comes after immigrant youth around the country tuned up the heat in demanding public officials nationwide to publicly come out in support of the administrative relief program.

House Republicans Approve Budget Aimed at Terrorizing,Separating Immigrant Families Nationwide
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Yesterday, in a show of hateful rhetoric, the Full House Appropriations Committee approved the FY2018 budget –on a completely partisan vote– aimed at fueling the inhumane enforcement and mass deportation plan by the Trump regime.

Immigrant Rights Organizations Oppose Passing of Federal Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Sanctuary Bills
Albuquerque---Today, in the wake of the Trump’s administration’s announcement to rescind DACA, El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos (El CENTRO), the largest immigrants’ rights and workers’ justice organization in Albuquerque, allies, and elected officials denounced Trump’s decision as heartless, cruel, and counter to the cultural, moral, social, and economic interests of the nation. Click here to read the DHS’s press release on DACA.

"U.S. Supreme Court Disappoints by Reinstating Portions of Trump’s Infamous #MuslimBan"
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Today, the U.S. Supreme Court granted the Trump administration’s request to allow some provisions of its Muslim Ban to go into effect immediately. Now families fleeing violence, famine, and war around the world will face a ban into our country unless they can prove close familial relationships with someone in the U.S. to live with or visit the United States

ABQ “Rises-Up” on May DayAgainst Targeting and Persecution of Immigrants by Trump Administration
"Albuquerque--In the wake of President Trump’s first 100 days in office, El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos (El CENTRO), along with hundreds of immigrant families, low-wage workers, elected officials, faith leaders, labor unions, educators, and dozens of civil rights, LGBTQ, and community-based organizations will Rise Up in resistance to the Trump administration’s targeting of immigrant communities and working families at a peaceful rally at Tiguex Park. The rally is one of over 200 events taking place across the nation on May 1st, International Workers’ Day, and is being held in conjunction with a national call for a general strike."

Immigrant Families, Faith Leaders, Victims and Civil Rights Advocates and Business Leaders Urge County Commission to Reaffirm Bernalillo County as an Immigrant Friendly County
"Albuquerque— In the wake of executive orders issued by the Trump administration that create a blueprint for mass deportation in addition to an uptick of ICE activity targeting Albuquerque’s immigrant communities in past weeks, immigrant and refugee families, faith leaders, victims and civil rights advocates and business leaders urged the Bernalillo County Commission to vote in favor of a resolution reaffirming it’s status as an Immigrant Friendly County. The resolution was passed
on a bi-partisan vote with Commissioners Hart-Stebbins, O'Malley, Quezada, and Talbert voting in favor and Commissioner Johnson being the sole vote against."

Immigrant and Refugee Families, Faith Leaders, Victims and Civil Rights Advocates and Business Leaders Urge Albuquerque City Council to Reaffirm Albuquerque as Immigrant Friendly City
a blueprint for mass deportation in addition to an uptick of ICE activity targeting Albuquerque’s immigrant communities in past weeks, over 40 immigrant and refugee-based organizations, faith-based institutions, victims and civil rights advocates, and business leaders and approximately 375 community members turned out to urged the Albuquerque City Council to vote in favor of Albuquerque reaffirming it’s status once again as an Immigrant Friendly City and to commit to strengthening City policies in light of new threats in a Trump-era. The memorial passed on a 6:1 vote with Councilors Peña, Benton, Sanchez, Davis, Gibson (Democrats), and Winter (Republican) voting in favor and Councilor Jones voting against."

Immigrant and Working Families "Presente" at the City Council Meeting for the Introduction of Immigrant Friendly Memorial
"M– President Trump has issued executive orders relating to immigration enforcement at the border and in the interior. These executive orders:
• threaten to lead to senseless family separations
• dump billions of dollars into the private prison industry and in militarizing border communities
• turn away refugees fleeing violence and persecution,
• strip immigrants of their due process rights,
• and discriminate against the Muslim community."

"Albuquerque Community Leaders Condemn Trump’s Draconian Orders on Immigration and Border Militarization"
"A BUQUERQUE, NM—Today, New Mexico immigrants’ rights organizations, civil liberties advocates, faith leaders, elected officials, and other community representatives gathered to denounce the two executive orders concerning immigration and border policy signed by President Trump today. The executive orders institute draconian immigration and border militarization policies that would tear immigrant families apart, erode civil liberties in border communities, and further entrench racial, ethnic, and religious bias in our immigration system."

ABQ Immigrant Community "Here to Stay" on Immigrant Day ofAction
"Albuquerque, NM<<In addition to sending a delegation to Washington DC for a large mobilization on the National Day of Action for Immigrant Justice, dozens of members from El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos, a local immigrant's rights and workers justice organization, joined the MLK march* in Albuquerque. Members united with the march to honor Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy, in solidarity with communities of colors, and to
send the message that immigrant communities are here to stay."

New Mexico Immigrant Organizations Coalesce Around Essential Worker Legislation
US Congressman Gabe Vasquez Introduces “The Strengthening our Workforce Act”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Gabe Vasquez (NM-02) hosted a virtual roundtable and press conference with essential immigrant workers from New Mexico immigrants’ rights organizations to announce the introduction of the Strengthening Our Workforce Act. Members of EL CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos, Somos Un Pueblo Unido, Partnership for Community Action, and New Mexico CAFé, hailed the legislation for seeking to provide a swift path to legalization for undocumented workers.

U.S. Rep and Local Organizations Encourage Census Participation
Albuquerque, NM - On Monday, September 21st U.S. Rep. Deb Haaland joined forced with the Native American Community Academy, El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos, New Mexico Dream Team, the New Mexico Asian Family Center, NAACP, as well as other local grassroot organizations and hosted a virtual press conference along with a phone-banking effort to make one last push to increase the census 2020 self-response rate in Albuquerque and across New Mexico prior to the current September 30th deadline.

New Mexico Leaders Fight Back Against Local Uptick of Family Separations
Vow to Uphold Immigrant- Friendly Policies
Albuquerque, NM ⎻ On Thursday February 27th community leaders from El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos (El CENTRO), elected officials, and immigrant families impacted by the detention of a loved one spoke out at a press conference against the recent uptick of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) activity in Albuquerque and attempts by the federal government to strong-arm local governments into fueling Trump’s deportation machine.

Community Groups Call on State of New Mexico To Decline U.S.Census Bureau Request For Driver’s License Records
New Mexico – The Center for Civic Policy (CCP) –New Mexico's nonprofit sector leader on 2020 Census efforts– El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos, and NM CAFé are urging the state of New Mexico to decline a U.S. Census Bureau request to access driver’s license records in order to collect citizenship data.

City of Albuquerque, Local Immigrant & Refugee-based Organizations Celebrate Citizenship Day with New Efforts to Help Increase Naturalization Rates
Albuquerque, NM ⎻⎻ Today, on National Citizenship Day, the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico Immigrant Law Center(NMILC), and El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos, are announcing new changes to the “ABQ is Home” citizenship initiative, a public private partnership to promote citizenship. The initiative includes legal service to aid with the citizenship application process and opportunities for community engagement to ensure the full integration of immigrant communities in the City.