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Deadline extended to apply for Second Round of State Emergency DisasterRelief for those Excluded from Federal Stimulus Payments
--NEW-- Deadline to submit an application is Tuesday, July 6th at 3 p.m. --NEW--
SANTA FE, NM – On Friday, the NM Human Services Department (HSD) announced it was extending the deadline for applications for economic relief to New Mexicans who did not qualify for federal pandemic stimulus payments, including undocumented residents and those from mixed immigration status families. The program is aimed at providing financial relief from the hardships caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Second Round of State Emergency Disaster Relief for those Excluded from Federal Stimulus Payments
Deadline for applications is this Friday, June 25th at 3 p.m.
SANTA FE, NM – On Monday, June 14 at 9 a.m. the New Mexico Human Services Department (HDS) began accepting applications for economic relief from New Mexico residents who did not qualify for federal pandemic stimulus payments, including undocumented residents and those from mixed status families. The program is aimed at providing financial relief from the hardship caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Media Advisory
New Mexico - New Mexico immigrant and community-based groups will co-host a virtual Facebook Live forum on worker’s rights regarding wage theft and paid sick leave. New Mexico is beginning to re-open its economy and workers need to know their rights at the workplace.

Media Advisory
Albuquerque, NM – In advance of the May 17th tax deadline, New Mexico immigrant and community-based groups will cohost a virtual Facebook live forum to answer common questions about filing taxes, economic stimulus checks and tax credits, specifically for immigrants who are Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) filers.

Familias Trabajadoras Alrededor del Estado Piden un Incremento en el Salario Mínimo Estatal
Arguments and research had demonstrated a citizenship question could lead to a large undercount in communities of color, New Mexico could lose funding for vital public programs
New Mexico – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the addition of the Trump administration's proposed “Citizenship Question” to be asked of all households during the upcoming 2020 Census.

Victory for New Mexican Working FamiliesImmigrant Workers Fight to Recuperate Stolen Wages
Albuquerque- Today, Judge Sedillo of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court ruled in favor of workers who suffered wage theft at Hope Head Start, a childcare facility in Albuquerque. In a default judgment, Judge Sedillo ordered Hope Head Start to pay former employees Sabina's and Magdalena's wages owed, including statutory damages.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims' Advocacy OrganizationsSupport Proposed Ordinance for Earned Paid Sick Leave
ALBUQUERQUE , NM— Domestic violence and sexual assault survivors’ advocates spoke out today about how the proposed Earned Paid Sick Leave ordinance will help vulnerable families and their loved ones escape violent situations without losing a day's pay, so they can build safe and financially-secure lives.

Court Rejects Challenge to Earned Sick Leave Law
Albuquerque, NM -- Today, in a victory for Albuquerque’s working families, Honorable Judge Shannon Bacon threw out a challenge by business lobbyists to the Albuquerque Healthy Workforce Ordinance. Today’s ruling ensures that voters will have an opportunity to vote on earned sick days this fall at the October 3, 2017 municipal election.

Court Upholds Albuquerque Minimum Wage Law
US Congressman Gabe Vasquez Introduces “The Strengthening our Workforce Act”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Gabe Vasquez (NM-02) hosted a virtual roundtable and press conference with essential immigrant workers from New Mexico immigrants’ rights organizations to announce the introduction of the Strengthening Our Workforce Act. Members of EL CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos, Somos Un Pueblo Unido, Partnership for Community Action, and New Mexico CAFé, hailed the legislation for seeking to provide a swift path to legalization for undocumented workers.

Judge Rules Earned Sick Days Ordinance Must Appear on 2017 Ballot
Albuquerque, NM -- Yesterday, in a victory for advocates of earned sick leave, the Honorable Judge Alan Malott reaffirmed his prior ruling that the Albuquerque Healthy Workforce Ordinance must appear on the 2017 municipal election ballot. He also struck an illegal “advisory question” related to sick leave from the ballot, ruling that it employs “semantically loaded terms” and “is an inappropriate attempt to inject political advocacy onto the ballot and into the election process.”